Dreamers believe in their dreams


Be a dreamer and not a planner.

How much time do you spend planning for things as opposed to connecting with your dreams?

What if you spent the same amount of time on your dreams?

So many of us are expert planners and poor dreamers.

We end up attached to what we can plan, and thus imagine and figure out.

Our brain steps in to tell us how our dreams can't happen, won't happen, and maybe even shouldn't.

Dreamers make you realize that you don't have to hold yourself back.

Dreamers believe in their dreams. They don't let doubts, what-ifs, or planning get in the way.

What if you took time each day to dream rather than plan?

What if you then believed your dreams were 100 percent possible?

I have only recently been practicing this approach. (Thanks to coaching and mindfulness.)

Dreaming is how I ended up here- leading retreats in beautiful locations many times a year. teaching yoga and coaching amazing people all over the world.

Dreaming how I ended up leading round 5 of Ongoing Presence this week, round 2 of Transition Well, and leading 5 Sagrada retreats last year. It's how I ended up with a robust and essentially full coaching practice.

It's why I now get to support physicians and others - in exactly the ways that I know help.

It was a dream of mine to build a business where I could use my physician wellness experience, wisdom, and skills in optimal creative, and fun ways.

It was a dream of mine to share mindfulness, wellness, coaching, yoga, parenting, and relationship tools to help others start living and loving better.

It was a dream of mine to help others start living their own dreams.

It was when I allowed myself to pivot from planning to dreaming that the dreams all started coming true.

Was the pivot easy- nope... but so, so worth it.

Stop planning and start dreaming friends. I can’t wait to see what you create.

If you need help, reach out and join me.

Sagrada is the best place for dreaming


“Excellence Is Doing the Best You Can with the Resources Available”


You As Well