“Excellence Is Doing the Best You Can with the Resources Available”


This quote was shared with me by an amazing physician charting coach I love and respect. She shares it as a tool for sustainability.

It’s powerful. And it goes well beyond charting.

It applies to all of life, including relationships.

Many of us, think excellence is judged by how it turns out.

Whether we finish the list or the task.

Whether our children behave in a certain way.

Whether we save the patient.

Whether we feel loved.

Excellence is actually determined by how we show up - given the resources available.

Internal and external.

Resources are very often limited.

It’s possible to be excellent even when resources are limited.

Excellent is doing your best, in the situation you find yourself in.

This is true for others too.

Our partners, children, colleagues, nurses, friends, and other relatives are usually doing the best they can given their own inner and outer resources.

If you have a family member who is struggling, they may be doing the best they can with the resources they have.

In medicine, in clinics, the hospital, and the emergency room, we do the best we can with the resources available. Time, staff, and our own energy are limited resources.

If we do our best- that is excellent.


What would deliberate do?


Dreamers believe in their dreams