What would deliberate do?

Deliberate is moving forward with purpose, intention, kindness, and calm.

Deliberate is uncluttered.

Deliberate is simple and trusting.

Deliberate doesn't do drama.

Deliberate can also be intuitive.

Deliberate is loving.

Deliberate takes good care of yourself and others.

What would deliberate do?

I am asking this question every morning. It’s powerful.

What are some of my answers?

Not wait unnecessarily.

Not struggle unnecessarily.

Not tell unhelpful stories.

Take helpful, loving, swift action.

Be clear.

Share my wisdom.

Walk, eat healthily and sleep enough.

Visit a friend.

Visit my sons.

Create and offer what I know to be the most effective and efficient coaching programs and retreats,

and make sure people know about them.

I hope you will be deliberate and join me.


Of Course You Are Tired


“Excellence Is Doing the Best You Can with the Resources Available”