Of Course You Are Tired


Life is complicated in 2023. Most days are long and busy and full. And we are humans who need rest, respite, and balance.

At the end of 2021, most of us were frazzled, spent, and running on fumes. Our sympathetic nervous systems had been on full alert and overdrive for at least 24 months. (For many of us A LOT longer)

2022 was “a year to catch up”. For many, it was over-filled with all the things we missed out on in the two years before - work, school, sports, relationships, vacations, important celebrations, weddings…

Of course, we are tired now.

No blame, shame or guilt need.

It’s not falling short.

Resisting it and feeling that we have failed somehow makes us much more tired.

What can we do?

Remind ourselves with kindness and compassion, what we have been through,

what we have overcome,

and how far we have come.

Offer ourselves and everyone else TLC.

Instead of pushing on, racing to the finish line, doing more, and accomplishing more,

we can commit to taking exquisite care of ourselves.

We can accept and allow iredness.

We can stop judging it and resisting it.

We can embrace it and welcome it.

We can take a pause.

Breathe deeply.

Slow down.

Nourish ourselves well.

We can offer ourselves kindness, compassion, mindfulness, and moments of quiet, stillness, and rest.

We can nourish ourselves with movement, breathing, yoga, coaching, and new perspectives.

We can gift ourselves nature, wonder, sights, sounds, smells, tastes, human connection, and laughter.

These can be small moments or longer.

When we rest, restore, replenish, and rebalance we strengthen our parasympathetic nervous.

Learn to do this in spot moments in your life with coaching and practice it so you know how at a retreat.

Retreating is the easiest, most efficient, and most effective way to become un-tired and reenergized.

You learn how to take exquisite care of yourself, fill your cup, and manage your energy “well” going forward.

You can choose to stay “tired.” And continue practicing habits that drain you or you can decide to change.

In order to change, you must change something.

When you wait to start, you wait to feel better.

If you you think you don’t have time, you don’t have time not to.

Make 2023 the year you are no longer tired.


Peace Begins With You


What would deliberate do?