Peace Begins With You


We think peace comes from the outside - from the reality of our lives.

We think we need to change something or someone else or get “there” to find it.

Coaching and mindfulness teach us how to embody peace without anyone or anything else changing.

Peace is not capitulating giving up or condoning.

Its a strength and superpower to creating and living an aligned and authentic change.

The biggest changes arise when we have found internal peace with who we are.

Peace is an internal job.

It's available. No matter what.

When we realize this, we regain control and optimism.

We can choose to bring peace to parenting, our marriages, our transitions, our homes, exercise, etc

When we do everything else shifts.

Learning to find and embody peace is an ongoing life journey.

It takes trust, patience, curiosity, a commitment to unconditional love, and ahimsa (do no harm).

What would peace do is another one of my favorite questions.

Ask yourself this today.

And do it.


Lessons from Neurodiverse Love


Of Course You Are Tired