You As Well

We take care of everyone else.

Often to our own detriment.

We serve, sacrifice, and save.

Until we are exhausted and depleted.

What if you started including yourself in the caring?

What if you save yourself also?

Invest in yourself as well?

Heal yourself also?

Nourish yourself too?

What we do to survive, doesn't help us thrive. Martyrdom and self-sacrifice are not long-term strategies for a life well-lived.

We hear that we should our oxygen masks on first. Put ourselves first.

For many of us, this is hard and unfamiliar.

More many it doesn’t feel accessible as a starting point.

And there is a lot of evidence that you are the best investment.

So if you aren't quite ready to be first, YET, at least put yourself on the list.

If you don't. It's not sustainable.

When you take care of yourself at least as well as you take care of everyone else. Everyone wins.

When you take care of exquisite care of yourself, the impact on everyone else is even greater.

You being "well" and well cared for is indisputably worth it.

Nourish, heal, support, and replete yourself in 2023.

It will change how you walk through life.

You will be more peaceful, less critical, more relaxed, more healthy, more connected, and more aligned.

You will have more energy.

Smile more, laugh more, and ultimately contribute more.


Dreamers believe in their dreams


New Years Wisdom