Embracing Wise


When considering career changes, pivots, and even quitting, it is so common to hear— “I can’t leave behind all that work, training, and effort….”

When we pivot to something new, we actually bring everything that has come before with us.

When we age, we don’t“lose things”, we gain knowledge, wisdom, experience, and skill.

All the things that we have ever been, and done, are within us. In our cells and DNA.

All of it comes with us if we choose to bring it along and honor it. You can choose to reject it, ignore it, or toss it aside, but why?

When I realized that I was bringing all my years as a pediatrician, as a physician leader, my experience as site chief of pediatrics, chief of physician wellness,all the talks I had given, and retreats I had led with me as created Pasue & Presence,

there was much less to fear and much strength to ground into.

All that I had done was the fertilizer for my new garden and new adventures. All of it was part and parcel of the new. And added to the new — immensely!

In fact, without my clinical experience and years and years as a pediatrician and leader, I wouldn’t be nearly as skilled as a coach, retreat leader, yoga teacher, and entrepreneur.

I encourage you to embrace your own wisdom- wherever you are in your journey right now.

If children are launching, you are newly a widow, considering divorce, or you are transitioning jobs or careers - embrace the wisdom of your journey, your well-honed problem-solving skills, your perseverance, your creativity, resourcefulness, and all of your life experience.

It’s all yours to bring with you and use on the next leg of the adventure if you choose.

Notice how different it feels when you embrace wise.


Shift your Focus from Scarcity to Abundance


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