Change Your Relationship with Exercise

What if exercise was an act of love rather than something you “should” do.

Through coaching and yoga, I have made this mindset shift.

And it is truly lovely and powerful.


I am much healthier and much happier.

Because of the endorphins released by exercise and because I no longer beat myself up about my exercise decisions.

The nature and yoga photos I share are me exercising.

Taking care of my body mind and spirit in authentic and restorative ways.

I don’t need to motivate or push myself to exercise. I do what feels good.

When I fall back into old patterns focusing on what I should do - I exercise a lot less.

Exercise for me is about kindness and caring for myself well.

Learning to approach exercise and health this way is the challenging part.

And the life-changing part.

When you learn to trust yourself and care for yourself because you actually do care for yourself it’s magic.

If you want to figure out how to live your life like this, reach out. A lighter, longer, healthier life that feels good awaits.


Neurodiverse Love Requires Curiosity


Love Is A Strategy