Taking Care of Yourself Looks Like Kindness

Taking care of yourself looks different for all of us.

It can look like a beach walk, a personal trainer, yoga, or a retreat.

It can look like working with a coach or a therapist. 

It can look like a nap, reading a good book, or being in nature. 

It can look like a nourishing meal or listening to music.

Taking care of yourself always looks like kindness.

Kindness to you and kindness to others.


Take a pause and be present

and ask what would kindness do?

Then figure out how you can make kindness happen. 

Without judgment. Without drama.

Kindness is simple.


As things in our external world begin to shift once again, taking care of yourself is even more important. 

If things are a struggle in your internal world or behind your ”closed doors”, kindness is important.


Peace, clarity, contentment, and connection are possible for all of us.  They don’t happen without kindness.


If you feel overwhelmed, exhausted, frustrated, disconnected, stressed, angry, or barely surviving,

pause and be present, listen to your heart.

Notice what would be kind.

And start doing that- one small act of kindness at a time.

"If you don’t work nothing else will either"-- Maya Angelou 

“Kindness is success”— Mister Rogers


Curiosity, Strength, Beauty and Risk


Whatever Your Past, It Doesn't Need To Be Your Future