Whatever Your Past, It Doesn't Need To Be Your Future

A few years ago, inspired by Mary Oliver, and the notion of having just one wild and precious life, I paused and was present. I took some deep breaths.

And I started a new journey.

I got help and I became much more mindful.

With newfound clarity, and a north star of what made me "feel alive" again,

I made mindful decisions and I moved forward with intention.

I did all this without any certainty at all things would work out. And yet they have.

Much better than I expected.

​Changing was not easy.

But it was 100 percent worth it.

Peace, calm, ease, connection, and more love are out there for all of us.

Whatever your past, it doesn't need to be your future.

Give yourself permission to explore what is it you truly want for this one wild and precious life.

It is possible you may be making decisions from a place of what you think you “should want.” Or what you think other people want.

What if you let go of self-doubt, self-judgment, uncertainty, fear, and anxiety.

Didn’t let the possibility of failing or “not knowing” the how stop you.


What if you looked inside and connected with “your inner knowing.”


What could happen?


What will you miss out on if you don’t?

What will you miss out on if you don’t bet on yourself?


How do you want to feel in life?

What would excitement do?

What would passion do?

What would feeling alive do?

Your next 10 years do not have to be the same as your last

In fact, they can be completely different.

And likely even much much better.


Taking Care of Yourself Looks Like Kindness


Experience Today In All Its Imperfection