It Is You

“I wonder if it’s me? “

“Why can’t I make it work? “

“What if there is something wrong with me that is the problem?”

This is a common worry among people work with.

I used to wonder about this a lot too.

With coaching - I graduated to saying “It isn’t me.”

"It isn’t about me."

"It’s about the system, the institution,” and/or “someone else."

"It wasn’t a right fit."

"It’s not the right fit for this season."

This is a helpful pivot and a first step and this week I have been able to move myself and several clients beyond this.

Now I am choosing to believe "it is me."

I am who I am.

I bring what I bring.

And that is lots of amazing, fun, innovation, creativity, and impact.

I was/am made for more.

Made for better.

Made for different.

If you have been finding it hard to belong, to feel like you fit in, or you have an itch for something more and different, or have a bigger, broader, “different vision than those you live with or work with- you likely are also likely made for more, different, bigger, and better as well.

This pivot is about awareness and noticing - NOT judgment.

We are all on different paths to different dreams at different times.

We are human and this is life.

No one has to be a problem.

You or them.

Even if your brain wants to label the situation otherwise.

If you find it challenging to think that “it isn’t about you.”

Try pivoting to making it about you.

It’s empowering.

My next nudge- start making it about you.

About what you want.

About what you love.

About showing up for the world in your zone of genius.

And making the impact that you want to make and were meant to make.

Choose to bring maximal joy to yourself and others.

What will the world and you miss out on if you don’t start making it about you?


How do you get anywhere if you don’t strive?


Unfamiliar Paths Take You to the Best Places