Learn to Be Ok Where You Are


Coaching doesn't always lead to changing your circumstances.

Very often the issue is seeing that you actually love and/or are happy where you are.

You just couldn't see it through the mind clutter and fog on your glasses.

Our thought patterns make it hard for us to be satisfied and be happy where we are. When we do work to clean up unhelpful thought patterns, many people don’t need ot make a change at all.

Most of us wanted to be doctors, mothers, spouses, leaders, and …. Desperately.

We committed years and years of our lives and missed out on a lot to get here.

And yet we continue to think "somwhere” else would be better.

There is not necessarily better than here.

It is not here vs there at all.

The secret is to learn to enjoy wherever you are.

When you learn to do that, you may decide you still want something differnt but when you get there you will enjoy it.


An Imperfect System


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