Arrive Safely & Enjoy The Journey

As many of you know, I have a new teenager driver in my life — yet again.

Showing up calm while teaching a teen to drive requires much mindfulness, intention, and a lot of self-coaching.

Good driving also requires these.

A good life does also.

Many of the key lessons that are useful to new drivers

are the exact lessons we all need to hear

in order to arrive safely


enjoy the journey.


Pay attention to where you are going— on purpose.

Pause and be present before turning.


If someone is in a hurry, let them pass.

Use your mirrors to increase visibility AND keep your eyes on the road ahead.


Make a decision and commit to it.

Be present.

Don’t be distracted.


Don’t let those who are stressed, stress you out. Tune them out. Breathe.

Stay in your own lane.

Be mindful.

Trust yourself.

Don’t waste energy worrying.


Take your time.


Enjoy the journey.


Fall in Love With What You Didn't Even Know You Wanted


There are no prizes for the most suffering