Letting Go

Often we think that holding on makes us strong. Often it is letting go that allows our most radiant and empowered self to emerge.

What can you let go of? What stories do you tell yourself that don’t serve you?

What beliefs do you have about yourself that are holding you back? What sadness, resentment, anger, tension do you carry around with you each day?

Who would you be without these stories and beliefs?

“If you want to fly in the sky, you need to leave the earth. If you want to move forward you need to let go of the past that drags you down.”

In yoga, we use the breath, movement, and the mind as tools to let things go. But you don’t need to be in yoga class to let things go.

You can choose to find calm, lightness, and peace by allowing yourself to let things go right now.


An Intention for 2020: Believe, Beauty, and Bloom


Choosing to Bloom Amidst the Manure and In Between the Cracks in the Cement