An Intention for 2020: Believe, Beauty, and Bloom

An Intention for 2020

In yoga, we always choose an intention to guide us.

It is a powerful practice to pause and choose an intention (or a wish) to guide you through the year ahead.

An intention is not a resolution and it doesn't take resolve. An intention is a guiding light to help you reach your destination and stay in alignment.

In 2020, I am going to work to believe in myself, believe in others, and believe in possibilities and dreams. The power of believing is infinite. "Why not you?"

I am going to look for beauty, notice it, celebrate it, and create it. There is no shortage of beauty all around us and inside each of us. I will pause and enjoy it.

I am going to allow myself and others to bloom. Organically. I will own and honor the time and the effort it took for all of us to get to where we are. I will nourish myself and others with sun and water and love. I will get out of my own and others' way and see what emerges. Hoping for a super bloom.

What is your intention for 2020?


Pause and Presence is a Gift


Letting Go