Light is Medicine

Natural light is nourishing, grounding, healing, and repleting for mind, body, and spirit. 

Light in a space, room, and property is extremely important to my sense of wellness.

It’s but one reason why 24-36 hours straight in a hospital was challenging for my health and spirit. Operating rooms have no windows or natural light. Most exam rooms don’t either.

I chose the residency I did, in part, because the call room was an old patient room that had a spectacular view of the sunset, sunrise, and city lights. It was one small thing I could do to honor the human need for light during 30-hour shifts.

We talk about seasonal affective disorder but not about the quality and quantity of beautiful natural light in our lives. 

Imagine if light were something we thought about just like movement, sleep, and food?

How might paying attention to light change your experience of your one wild and precious life?


What would happy do?


Sprinkle Pleasure