What Makes A Healthy Neurochemical Soup


Our brains and bodies are always bathed in neurochemicals and neuromodulators.

Our cells are swimming in neurochemicals whether we are aware of it or not.

We might as well bathe ourselves in healthier ones when possible.

We can bathe ourselves in cortisol and norepinephrine or we can bathe ourselves in dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin.

We can intentionally create a healthier “neurochemical soup.”

Yoga, mindfulness, hand-to-heart, self-compassion, gratitude, awe, wonder, nature, wildflowers, the ocean, and coaching all influence the release of neurochemicals and neuromodulators in a positive way.

We can make choices to practice more of these and set ourselves up for success.

We can also make choices to opt out of unnecessary stress, anxiety, blame, shame, guilt, and trying to control things out of our control.

This also improves the flavor and health of the soup.

But soup recipes also include lots of ingredients and lots of flavors. That’s what makes soups so interesting and delicious.

In the same way, we as humans need to feel the full spectrum of emotions, even the ones we label as negative.

When we stop resisting negative emotions and allow them to be present in our soup as well they integrate into the soup and provide contrasting and even more interesting, delicious and healthy flavors.


Dance Your Heart


What would be different if you stopped being driven by guilt and anxiety?