Overestimate Yourself

Elegantly and strategically.

If nothing else, at least stop underestimating yourself.

Erika Royal - a Harvard-trained lawyer (who is now the CEO of the life coach school) is the one who first shared the concept of “overestimating” yourself with me.

She also said in the same podcast - everyone needs a coach.

Coaching is what helped her overestimate herself — and go from a discontent partner in a law firm to living a life she loves.

“When you overestimate yourself, life opens up”- she said.

This was true for me too.

And it will be true for you too.

A coach helps you learn how to stop underestimating yourself and start “elegantly and strategically” overestimating yourself. I am adding “elegantly and strategically” intentionally for those of you who like me were trained to be humble and be amazing but always under the radar.

Overestimating yourself means thinking the best thoughts about yourself.

Coaching helps you actually do this.

In fact, most happy people and high-performers have coaches.

Many don’t share this fact - because getting help is often frowned upon in our culture (even though it shouldn’t be.)

Many also keep their coaching “quiet” because it’s their secret weapon - a superpower to success and happiness. (this also shouldn’t be IMHO)

Coaching helps keep our mental health healthy and helps us do things that we really want to do but thought were not possible for us.

The thought that “things are possible for someone else but not for me” - stuck with me for a long time in my life. This thought was a subversive form of underestimating myself.

For some people it’s disguised as the “not enough” thought, for others it hides in the “deserve” struggle.

Erica Royal is Harvard-trained lawyer now CEO.

She describes needing an expert guide “to help her think beyond what she could see was possible for herself before she could see it herself.”

I did too.

And most of you would benefit from one too.

There’s no shame in it.

Life is too short to move through it underestimating yourself.

It’s too short to feel discontent and dissatisfied much of the time.

It’s too short to compromise on you.

With or without coaching - start by gifting yourself this idea of overestimating yourself.

Overestimating yourself allows you to truly deeply believe in your dreams.

Believe that things are possible, that you can and you will, and you just haven’t yet.

Overestimating yourself empowers you with hope, calm, peace, presence, and clarity - at any age.

It is the key to pivoting directions and moving through life with grace, buoyancy, and hope.

Overestimating yourself (and others) helps relationships feel better.

Overestimating yourself helps you do things you really want to do that you didn't think were possible.

I would love to help you learn to start overestimating yourself with grace elegance and strength in 2023. We will of course start slow - letting go of underestimating ourselves. This alone feels amazing.

I have two small groups - Ongoing Presence and Transition Well- both start again in January. All my groups are small and they are only open 2 or 3 times a year. Group coaching is an efficient effective sustainable and fun way to do this work. A nudge to jump in and join me while you can.


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