Pausing to Rest

Pausing to rest the last few days.

This week “my type of tired” required physical healing and rest.

“Accepting but not liking “ not being well.

Fully experiencing that when I resist reality it doesn’t help.

“This is what we have today” puts me “at peace” with reality.

Resting as I should be.

And it is much less tiring.

And much more healing.

I teach that acceptance is not giving up

it’s not indifference

it is a tool that helps you get to where you aspire to be faster.

Being at peace with the situation, as it is, even when you don’t like it, makes you less tired.

So taking some of my own medicine. Practicing what I preach.

Mindset work is a practice.

For all of us.

And it helps a lot.


Choose Your Life


This is What We Have Today