This is What We Have Today

We get to choose how to show up.

Just as the world can be seen as flawed at this moment, it can also be viewed as exactly as it should be.

Giving up your expectations of how things should be and how others “should” act and respond, is not about resignation or letting anyone off the hook, it is about making things better. Better for you.

Giving up your inner resistance to the current reality helps ease the journey.

Accepting the world exactly as it is today does not mean you like it.

It does not mean you don’t want things to be different.

It does not mean condoning the behavior of others.

Accepting it as-- it is at this moment is for you.

Choosing to think “this is what we have today” is where your power and control are at this moment in time.

This thought saves you energy

It improves your own health and life experience

So you have energy and optimism, to be part of the solution and move forward

Allowing whatever feelings you have about what’s happening- helps you.

They are part of “this is what we have today.”

You may be angry, frustrated, anxious, depressed, and exhausted….

When you allow are willing to feel these emotions instead of fighting them, it becomes a little easier.

Accepting them instead of resisting them helps you feel a bit better.


Pausing to Rest


Remember to Savor the World