Remember to Savor the World

For the many many of you who are out there “saving” the world, don't forget to savor the world also.

So much world-saving is needed right now… I am grateful to each and every one of you who are doing your part.

Whether you are a colleague in medicine, a parent, partner, teacher, friend, advocate, or activist, helping you learn to savor your own life experience is my “why” behind Pause and Presence.

I aspire to be able to guide others to struggle less.

By learning to pause and be present.

To be mindful and intentional.

To learn to let go of the mind drama the “what ifs” and the “shoulds.”

So you can more easily find calm and clarity.

And reconnect with your passion, your purpose, and your loved ones.

When we focus too much on “saving the world” —fixing, advocating, caring for others—

We often miss out on being, noticing, living, and connecting.

Caring for others, fixing things, and working for change is an integral part of saving the world

but when it is to the exclusion of everything else, we miss out on so much beauty.

When we are constantly doing and fixing and planning and achieving, we miss out on who and what is directly in front of us.

When we choose to think that everything is exactly as it should be right here in this moment- all the good and the bad we have much more space, clarity, and energy to simultaneously savor AND save the world.

Why wait for your circumstances to change to start savoring your life?

With intention, can you start to savor each minute as it is right now?

What could you start with?


This is What We Have Today

