Pure simple magic



Place one hand on your heart. The other atop.



Try it.

It may seem strange at first but over time it will become life-changing.

Releasing oxytocin. Lessening cortisol.

Acknowledging you have a heart.

Sending yourself good wishes.

A tool to heal and nourish.

Get out of fight or flight.

A tool to pause and listen.

And trust yourself.

A tool to discover alignment and practice self-compassion with ease.

A tool for health.

A tool for wealth.

A tool for beauty.

A tool for happiness and contentment.

A tool to enjoy peace and love.

I share it with you from the heart.

Imagine a world, instead of noticing what we haven’t done and how we could do better, we did this instead.

Learn more tools like this in coaching, yoga, and at retreats. They make life feel MUCH BETTER.


Discover Mindful Presence


Ask Yourself Good Questions