Discover Mindful Presence

I used to think it was my job to influence outcomes.

I put so much effort, energy, and love into everything,

I was often disappointed that the outcomes didn’t always reflect my effort.

I spent time trying to control things that were out of my control,

rather than investing my time in the things, I could.


Mindfulness and coaching have changed this. 

I have learned mindful presence.

I used to see parenting as a lot of work. 

And I “worked” at my marriage.

I saw my job as a physician as hard. 

I had lots to do, lots to fix, and changes to make. 

I had things to work on and improve.

I rarely, if ever, paused and was present. 

I looked ahead and behind- all the time. 

I editorialized, planned, and solved.

As a type-A high achiever, I was well-trained —and rewarded for living like this.  

It served me well in some areas of my life but it wasn’t so great for my health - and it definitely did not make me happy.

“It’s not the number of breaths but the number of moments that take your breath away”

- Maya Angelou.

My high expectations for everyone and everything in my life - vacations, my children, holidays, date nights, and myself... kept me busy and distracted. Missing the joy.

Mindful presence allows you to enjoy more. 

What’s important still gets done.

And there is more energy and time for connection and forward movement. 


Who I Needed to Become


Pure simple magic