Put Down the Heavy Backpack

Put the Heavy Backpack Down

Often we think that holding on makes us strong. 

Very often it is letting go that allows our most radiant and empowered self to emerge.

“If you want to fly in the sky, you need to leave the earth. If you want to move forward you need to let go of the past that drags you down.”

What do you need to let go of?

Spending energy resisting the reality of the current situation of COVID,  wildfires, politics, and 2020?

Frustration about the behavior of our children, your spouse, your mom to your


Stories you tell yourself about events of the past that don’t serve you?

Stories of how you were wronged or mistreated or something wasn’t fair? How it didn’t turn out as it should?

Worries about how everything may turn out badly?

Just like many of you, this was me for much of my life. 

And then I learned there was another option.

An option of freedom, lightness, and contentment.  The option of choosing to enjoy the journey. The 50/50, the mess, and all.

A beautiful friend suggested I could “put the heavy backpack down. “

I began to notice through mindfulness and coaching and yoga how heavy my backpack was.

Once you see it you can change it.

You can stop controlling things and planning everything.

And the world doesn’t end.

In fact, it all works out.

Messy and not as you expect but fine and often even wonderfully.

In the empty space you create, others show up and bring new things and new experiences to the table.

You can let go of stories of bad luck and unfairness and you feel better. 

You create space for new stories, more fun and love, and more peace.

What could happen if you put down your heavy backpack?

It is not as easy as it might sound.

It is not comfortable.

But Discomfort is the price of growth.

On the other side of discomfort is fun and beauty and better.

If you want things to change you have to change.

There is also a cost to and discomfort in holding on.

Heavy backpacks take energy to carry and often hurt your back.

Mind drama is heavy.

Problems, struggles, and worries hold you back, distract you, and keep you from being present, enjoying the journey, and getting to where you want to be.

What if there were merely decisions to be made, events to go to, things to do, and people to enjoy?

Exactly as they are.

What if you had all that energy and freedom of movement without the backpack weighing you down to enjoy living?

Who would you be?

What could be?

When we stop struggling -we float

When you let go - you can move forward and maybe even fly.




What Would Love Do?