Relationship Satisfaction Has Almost Nothing to do With Your Partner.

“Once we edit our stories, most of what we are upset about disappears.”

I wrote a blog post awhile ago on the power of changing your stories in relationships-

You can choose to tell whatever story you want about your relationship. It isn’t an easy process but so worth it. Why not mindfully and intentionally choose stories that serve you? And if you are struggling get help.

Relationship satisfaction has almost nothing to do with your partner.

This concept initially feels foreign to many. And it is the most freeing and life changing mindset shift. It leads to “amazing.”

You are only responsible for you in the relationship.

The only person you can control is you.

The only one that can hurt your feelings is you.

The only one that can make you feel loved is you.

You can choose to show up for your marriage every morning. Or you can not.

It is a choice.

Make it a conscious one.

You can choose to feel loved no matter what.

You can choose to notice (or ask) how your partner shows love.

It may not be how you think they should. But they nonetheless feel love when they do whatever it is. Why not see it?

My husband shows love with coffee.

Someone said to me yesterday how they can tell “I love my morning coffee”.... I do like coffee but I love it MUCH more now that I think of it as literally “a cup of love.” I didn't always see it this way, I did a lot of personal work to get here.

Choose to invest in your relationships by investing in your outlook and your mind. Your relationships are key to health, longevity, and happiness. It is costly when they don’t work. On every front!

When you change how you show up, everything changes. When you change your story, the story changes. When you look for amazing, amazing grows.


My Yoga Journey


Even More on What Makes an Amazing Relationship