Skills Instead of Pills


The answer in medicine is so often a pill.

Coaching offers skills instead of pills.

What I share as a coach is not medical advice AND it is exactly what I wish I had known as a physician.

Coaching gives you the skills to live a healthier, happier, and more well life. And if you are a parent it gives you the skills to model and teach your children how to live a happier and healthier life.

I believe coaching is the most important personal investment you can make. More so than the plant-based diet, mindfulness, or a personal trainer. Not because it in and of itself changes your cholesterol or your cancer risk but because it is the thing that helps you do all the other things you want to do to lower these risks.

Coaching gives you the skills to take ownership of your life and your decisions. The skills help you take on and sustain other transformational life changes.

And respond to life’s challenges with grace, presence, and intention.

Investing in your brain through coaching puts you back in the driver’s seat of your own life.

Regardless of what circumstances you face on any given day you.


Hope is a Beacon of Light


Why not approve of yourself?