“Tell me, what is it you want to do with this one wild and precious life?"

“Tell me, what is it you want to do with this one wild and precious life? “ - Mary Oliver

There is no better time than NOW to figure this out.

Life has been happening “to” so many of us for a long time. We have been rushing through the busyness of our days and the automaticity of our lives.

Now, we are forced to change our habits. All of us.

This different “normal” creates an incredible opportunity for every single one of us and the world at large.

It is a chance to Marie Kondo our entire lives.

It is a “once in a lifetime” opportunity to truly see ourselves, our world, and the planet. It is a chance to intentionally choose to keep the things that make a meaningful difference and bring us joy — and let the rest go.

This process takes mindfulness and awareness. Noticing and feeling. Seeing your own mind.

“Seeing your own mind” is what coaching is all about. I had no idea coronavirus was coming when I chose to shift into this work. Now I see why. Helping people transform and sprout their intentional wings is awesome— for me, for them, and for the world.

I wish for all of you, in this moment, that you will choose to invest in yourselves and your own mental health and wellness. There is no better time than now.

This work is a form of PPE (personal protective equipment) for your emotional health. And it is hope and progress towards a better tomorrow. There is no more valuable investment.

There is much anticipation and realism around the marked increase in mental health disorders right now and to follow the experience of this pandemic. As many of you know, mental health issues are part of my family experience and coaching has been not only an oxygen mask but also the fertilizer for personal growth. A path to more calm, hope, love, and fulfillment.

Whether you have a “pause” in your life or are busier than ever, this pandemic is clearly a time for a reset.

Honored to walk through this Pandemic with all of you and here to support any of you whether you need PPE or want to reset and to sprout new wings.

Where will your path lead?


Your Power is in Your Mind


How Do You Want To Show Up For the "Next Version" of Our World?