“The Best Medicine is Love”


“a physician once said the best medicine for humans is love. Someone asked- what if it doesn’t work?

said with a smile-- increase the dose”

I have no idea where this quote came from but I 100 percent agree.

Love is the best form of medicine.

One most of us don’t utilize fully until we first learn how and then practice.

Helping people reconnect with love — for themselves and others—

and helping them use it as a form of medicine is what I help people do.

I help people learn to use “love as a strategy” — literally for everything.

Parenting, co-parenting, marriage, health, eating, exercise, career transitions, conflicts with others, decluttering, regrets, mistakes, and personal transformation.

“What would love do” is my signature coaching phrase.

This question is how I personally now approach ALL sticky life moments.

Love would choose to tap into love as an animating force,

It would learn to use love as a life-changing tool.

It would learn to infuse love into every “nook and cranny of your life.”

Learning to do this is the best investment ever.

And it is not as easy as it may sound.

It took me many years of retraining my highly-trained brain.

To learn to pause and be present and notice where I wasn’t showing up with love

and then to begin to change.

I also didn’t take this journey alone.

Without support and guidance and my own coaching, it would have taken me much longer.

I am still learning, noticing, and practicing.


Choosing to See My Curves and Fullness As “Voluptuous”


Neurodiverse Love Requires Curiosity