The More You Do the More You Need to Rest

Simple and true.

And yet we so often do the opposite.

We do more and rest less.

We also judge how much rest we need. And judge our need for “recovery” time.

We have an idea about how much rest and recovery time a human “should” need.

Those who need less rest are very often seen as more productive and “better.”

We compare and despair about our human physiologic needs.

Rather than honoring our physiology and our bodies’ cues and working to optimize the function of the body we‘ve got.

Our bodies require adequate rest and recovery. The more we do, the busier we are, the more rest and recovery our bodies need.

To be “well,” think “well,” and love “well” long-term — we must mind our physiology.

Noticing and being mindful of our energy levels.

Prioritizing a positive energy balance.

And a functional balanced nervous system.

We often judge rest and recovery as complacent and lazy.

When in actuality it is efficient, strategic, and sustainable.

When we are depleted and in sympathomimetic storm, we struggle even more with life’s inherent challenges.

We struggle about the struggle.

We feel stuck, foggy, afraid, and often like a victim.

And we struggle to rest.

When we begin by allowing ourselves adequate rest and restoration and honoring our human physiology, we begin to see possibilities again.

We rediscover creativity, courage, and a path forward.

The more we do the more rest we need.

Rest, not time management, is actually the key to productivity and a life of alignment, fulfillment, connection, clarity, and purpose,




Slow Down and Savor