The Power of Choosing Words

In yoga, we always choose an intention to guide us.

It is a powerful practice to pause and choose an intention (or a wish).

An intention is not a resolution and it doesn't take resolve.

An intention is a guiding light to help you reach your destination and stay in alignment.

My words for 2020 were BELIEVE, BLOOM, and BEAUTY.

“I am going to work to believe in myself, believe in others, and believe in possibilities and dreams. The power of believing is infinite. "Why not you?"

I am going to look for beauty, notice it, celebrate it, and create it. There is no shortage of beauty all around us and inside each of us. I will pause and enjoy it.

I am going to allow myself and others to bloom. Organically. I will own and honor the time and the effort it took for all of us to get to where we are. I will nourish myself and others with sun and water and love. I will get out of my own and others' way and see what emerges. Hoping for a super bloom.”

I had no idea what was ahead in 2020

when I wrote this.

And yet despite the events that transpired that were out of my control, I stayed pretty true to this intention. And there was in many ways a super bloom.

Intentions are powerful.

If you read my story of 2020 yesterday and match it up to the words I chose, it’s awe-inspiring.

So today I have started mindfully exploring potential words for 2021.

Last year I tested words out,

tried them on.

I spent some time asking myself who I wanted to be,

and how I wanted to feel

at the end of 2020.

Checking in with your “future self” who is where you want to be is a mindful and smart practice.

I am trying on -





For 2021.

Many stories behind each of these words.

And much growth ahead through each of these words.

I encourage you to start working on your own words.

Try them on. Have fun with them.

Choose carefully.

Listen to your heart.

So you end up where you truly “want” to be.


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