Getting Help

Was never an easy thing for me.

And I expect for many of you.

My mind likes to tell me I “should” be able to do it myself.

That self-sufficiency is a measure of strength and adequacy.

That hard work yields results.

That striving and pushing will get me farther.

I encourage others to get help.

To not struggle unnecessarily.

That ease is possible and life with help is so much better.

I encourage my children, my clients, and my patients to get help.

I am also the “help” for many.

Those I help go much farther faster.

Since I started embracing the idea that getting help for myself is a strength, a tool, and a gift, amazing things have happened.

“Help” -specifically coaching- showed me the changes I needed to make.

It helped me see the stories I needed to change.

It helped me see the specific limiting beliefs and emotions and fears that were getting in my way.

It helped me stop wasting time and energy being stuck.

It helped me get out of my own way.

Getting help allowed me to go much farther faster.

It was efficient.

And it was even fun.

It allowed me to start living the life I wanted despite the chaos around me and the things and other people that I couldn’t change.

I wish it hadn’t taken me to get to the point of “Something has to change” to choose to get help.

Getting help takes a sense of adequacy.

Getting help takes the belief that better is possible.

Getting help allowed me to go much farther faster. It was efficient.

With help, I could have started enjoying the life I had sooner.

And creating the life I wanted earlier.

With much less struggling and suffering.

I know, and teach, that the past is the past and can’t be changed.

What is in my control is sharing with all of you the power of “help.”

The power of believing in possibilities.

The power of a guide to help you see them.

Getting unstuck takes bravery and work.

It takes awareness, acceptance, and a willingness to see the world in a different way.

A willingness to change.

There is power in the pause.

There is power in being present.

And there is power in getting help.


"When it's not an issue, it's not an issue."


The Power of Choosing Words