The Ripple Effect of Mindfulness

 “Research shows that meditating benefits everyone around you- whether you are in the same household or connecting virtually.”, August 2020.

In families, when one person practices mindfulness, 

It impacts the happiness of other family members.


When parents practice mindfulness, studies show that the whole family is happier.

When one spouse practices mindfulness, both are happier with the relationship.  And the relationship is less reactive and less conflict-driven.


What’s even better?

The impact doesn't stop with the people in our home. 


There is a ripple effect of mindfulness. 

“Interpersonal Neurobiology” demonstrates impact 4 degrees of separation away.


Practice mindfulness for you 

and then watch mindfulness 

and all its benefits spread to your family, 

and beyond.


The ripple effect of mindfulness on public health and happiness is one of the reasons I pivoted to mindful life coaching, teaching mindful yoga, co-hosting the Mindful Healers Podcast, being a leader in the Mindful Healthcare Collective,  and founding Pause and Presence. Notice that “mindful” is the common theme.

Weaving mindfulness into the nooks and crannies of your life is powerful medicine for you, those you love, and those you care for. Being mindful is a key tool for a healthy and life better-lived. 

Mindful living, mindful love, mindful parenting, practicing medicine mindfully, eating mindfully and …. will help to change the paradigm of relationships now and for the next generation. In the mess of a world we live in right now, it is something simple each of us can do to make things better.

Why not try it?

If you need help, reach out.


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