The things we choose to NOT DO define us as much, if not more, than those we do
Most of us see accomplishments and possessions as markers of success.
We relentlessly chase dreams and achievements.
We collect possessions—homes, cars, and even experiences.
We spend most of our lives doing, planning, pursuing, and gathering.
We also daily make choices daily to not participate, not pursue, not collect, and not invest.
We often don't see these choices as choices but they are just as important.
These decisions define us and our life experiences.
The things we choose not to engage in create valuable space and time.
Less time on screens and less time shopping allows more time for what matters most.
When we decline opportunities that are out of alignment (even if they are prestigious) we also make room for opportunities and passions that are authentic and more connected to our purpose and passion.
Sometimes we opt out, abstain, and/or don't sign up for things because we don't believe we are worth the investment, we don't believe we can do it.
Those opt-out decisions also create space and time but they are a missed opportunity for something that might matter most. These decisions can and often do get in the way of living our best life and feeling alive.
Pausing to choose thoughtfully is the key.
Choosing to make mindful, wise, and deliberate choices about what we choose to do, to buy, and to engage in matters A LOT. Choosing what we opt out of also matters A LOT.
Choosing not to invest in coaching is an opt-out decision I see many people make.
It is one I would label a huge missed opportunity.
Investing in themselves is hard and uncomfortable.
It is much easier to invest in their children, things, and trips to "feel better."
The decision to opt out of investing in ourselves and our brains and mindset doesn't feel like a decision, and yet it is a decision that often significantly impacts the quality of your life the absolute most.
Investing in your brain through coaching is how you learn to make mindful, wise, intentional, and aligned decisions about everything.
I opted out of coaching for two years initially. I thought I could do the work myself even when I knew coaching was a solution that could help me.
This is an opt-out choice I don't recommend for anyone. Definitely a missed opportunity.