We should be able to breathe the air

More and more ash in my world today.  Everywhere.  No sky visible anywhere.

The sky should not look like this.

We should be able to breathe the air.

I am feeling the struggle. 

100 percent wanting the ash and smoke to go away. 

I am human. 

I am perfectly imperfect.

I buffer with ice cream.

I wonder if there will be a world for my grandchildren.


I work on accepting and allowing

I try to pause and be present

I notice and accept my resistance

In coaching, we say everything is as it should be.

We say that you are exactly where you are supposed to be.

I wish this wasn't where we are supposed to be.

I wish we weren't in a world where we can't go outside safely.

But life is 50/50.

I know it's possible to experience the 50/50 in a more positive way. 

So I intentionally let go of my "shoulds".

Try to experience it all.

"Even when I don't like it"

Focus on what I can do:

Be mindful.

Enjoy the present.

Stay inside and "go inside."

Teach yoga. 

Breathe inside.

Shine my light by sharing mindset work, intentional living, and mindful minimalism with others.

And smile when I receive this in my email:

"What if you are doing the exact work that is needed to save the planet? 

When a person changes how they show up in their life, it can trigger a cascade of changes affecting other people and the world around them.  

I may not know what to do to change the world for the better.  But I am learning how to change myself, and that's a phenomenal start."

We start by starting. Let's build a better new.  Start by starting. Each of us alone and together.


What Would Love Do?


Choosing to Bloom Amidst the Smoke and Manure