"Muting"- A Technique to Foster Peace

Muting is different than letting go and different from ignoring. It's also different than putting blinders on.

For me, letting go, ignoring, and blinders have higher energetic costs.

Muting is about peace, quiet, and calm.

Muting is good for your nervous system.

Muting is an expression of kindness and compassion to yourself

Muting is a gift.


It's a bit like the "stop-doing" list but it is more of a "stop exposing" list.

Muting literally eliminates noise.

It is a way to lessen stress.

Muting is easy and not easy.

It is often pushing a button. Stopping a notification. You can also mute people.

The anticipation of muting something or someone often brings up fear- fear of missing out… what if’s, and anxiety.

Once done, decisively and with intention and clarity, muting things feels amazing

In the space you create by muting, you get back time and energy and creativity.

You create opportunity.


Muting begins with mindful noticing.

Noticing what's draining

Noticing what creates angst

Noticing what would feel good to have less of.

Those are the things you might want to mute.


What's on your list?


What Can Happen When You Stop Fixing


Put Your Own Oxygen Mask on First