Put Your Own Oxygen Mask on First

When we take a flight, the airline instructs us to put our own masks before our childrens’.


As parents, this flies in the face of every instinct we have.

Our first reflex is always to protect and care for our children.

We are taught to protect and care for our patients ahead of ourselves as well.

But how can we care for others well if we don’t take adequate care of ourselves?

How can we help someone else manage their emotions when we aren’t managing our own?

If we ignore our own needs, we risk burnout, exhaustion, and more.


We risk not being present when our children and our patients need us.


They also learn from what they see.

They learn how to show grace in th face of challenge and difficulty..

They learn o be patient.

To pause and reflect.


Mindful parenting and mindful doctoring both start with you.


"Muting"- A Technique to Foster Peace


It's All Temporary