What Else Makes an Amazing Marriage?

It takes “Accepting and Allowing”

“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” - Coco Chanel

Amazingness is when you both get to be your beautiful selves.

Accept and allow your partner to be exactly as he or she is. And not want to change or fix them.

You don't have to like/love all of it always. But refrain from judgement.

Drop your manual- your guide of what a partner “should” do.

Have as few expectations as possible. Don’t keep score.

A few minimal and simple requirements- do no harm, loyalty, and respect are worth keeping in my opinion. Choose your bare minimum.

Choose your partner exactly how they are at this moment.

You are not a victim. You are not stuck.

If you don't want to choose it, don’t.

Each day you choose to be in the relationship, you are choosing it as it is.

When you let your partner be themselves--they get to shine —and you do too.

You get to be authentically and vulnerably you.

You can just be.

He or she can just be.

You can enjoy each other.

You can notice and appreciate.

You can love and support one another in ways that feel good to the giver from a place of love and compassion and free will.

No duty. No obligation.

An amazing marriage doesn’t mean it's all amazing.

No one is perfect.

No one “accepts and allows” perfectly either. Me included.

We are all perfectly imperfect. Grace and compassion.

Mindfulness and marriage take and are a practice.

They are a lifestyle.

Just as all lifestyle choices, they take learning, effort, and often guidance is needed.

If you need a guide, want to work on doing better.... I got you.


Even More on What Makes an Amazing Relationship


Do You Have An Amazing Marriage?