What will the world miss out on if you don’t do what you are passionate about?


It's not a failure or a weakness to make a change, it's a strength.

The key is to NOT MOVE AWAY from something but to MOVE toward something.

It takes courage and BELIEF to pursue your passion.

It is never the easier path.

Pivoting is often the “full spectrum” path.

The one with high highs and low lows.

You can leave something that you are good at, or even great at.

Even when it is good.

You can want something different for your life.

I shifted course with mindfulness and intention because the pull to create and innovate and contribute to making the world a better place was strong.

What will the world miss out on if you don’t do what you were meant to do?

What would love do?

What would your 70-year-old self tell you to do?

If both decisions turned out great which one will you wish you had made?

These are all tools I used to help me.

These and coaching.

We each only get one wild and precious life.

Choose yours.

Life is a journey.

It is meant to be journeyed.

This looks different for each of us.

No path is better or worse.

There is a cost to leaving and staying.

It takes tremendous courage to make a change.

Big decisions are never without fear.

And uncertainty.

What is certain on all paths is uncertainty.

What’s in your control is making your chosen path the right one.

Having your own back and embracing it all.

Change is scary and hard and good and bad and exciting.

Sometimes making a change is not the right path.

Sometimes staying exactly where you are is where you need to be.

The work is to “listen to the cues” and do what feels authentically right for you at the moment.

I hope this helps some of you struggling with decisions.

I led a coaching session about when to change your thoughts vs when to make a change two weeks ago where I shared even more tips. You can find the recording on my webpage- under the mindful coaching tab.


The Grandmother I Want to Be


Wellness = Sustainability + Self Advocacy