Who Do You Want To Be?


Who Do You Want To Be?



Not who or what do you think you should be

Or what your roles are…

But who do you actually, 



want to be in this world? 

Mindful coaching helps you literally become that person.

Not overnight. 

But one step at a time.

Letting go of the thoughts that are keeping you hiding and stuck. 

You may think you don’t know.

But you do.

It’s just hidden underneath. 


You might know and be afraid.

Hiding behind your “responsibilities.”


Being who you truly to want to be in this world is your responsibility. 

The world needs us all to be the best version of ourselves.

The world misses out when we suppress or don't listen to our inner knowing. 

“Don’t ask what the world needs, ask what makes you come alive. What the world need is people who have come alive.”

You might be afraid and be hiding.

Not allowing yourself to really be who you want to be.

I did this for a long time.

This statement woke me up

We hide thinking it is keeping us safe but hiding in the end actually makes us feel less safe. 

Think hide and seek.

How safe do you feel when you’re hiding?

As you might expect, 

“Who do you want to be?” is not a one-and-done question.

You get to keep asking it.

And that’s the best part.

We get to continue to grow and evolve.

Coaching is what keeps you moving constantly in the right direction.


Peace Begins With You


Coaching, Therapy, Mentoring, & Friendship