Do You Wish It Were Different?


Wishing it were different is a powerful alternative to resisting what is.

Many things in the world should be different and you can still make a difference.

It should be different but I can still make a difference is a mantra that I share as a coach.

It helps ER docs working in untenable situations, female physicians working in predominantly male specialties, and those that have suffered unfair discrimination, tragedy, and loss.

This thought allows you to breathe deeper.

To pause and be present.

And begin to see possibilities and creative paths forward.

When you next feel stuck, overwhelmed, and like you are a victim. Try it.

It helps you get unstuck, move forward, and step out of victimhood and into empowerment.

If you are in situations where you wish things were different but want to make a difference, coaching is a powerful tool to help you move forward with mindful intention, deliberateness, care, and more ease.


What's love got to do with it? EVERYTHING


Of Course You Are Reactive