What's love got to do with it? EVERYTHING

Love might seem like fluff but it's NOT.

Love is a human superpower - an animating force in our world.

Love is one of the most important “tools” I share as a coach. It can help you change tension-filled relationships into much more easeful ones-- with yourself and others.

Love can also help you change relationships with food, exercise, and even leadership.
You can address burnout with love and pivot in your career with love.
You can learn to argue with love and address marriage conflict with love.

Parenting teenagers and young adults and caring for aging parents is much more easeful when you stick to love rather than catastrophizing.
You can even declutter, simplify, and release stuff and roles with love.

This approach often feels unfamiliar to those of us who are physicians- we are expert fixers and problem solvers.

Love almost always does NOT actually fix and problem-solve for others - most of the time it supports and guides others so they figure out how to do it themselves.

Love is a strategy that can propel us to places and experiences beyond what we can imagine.

"What would love do?" is my signature coaching question for a reason.
Love would deliberately infuse love into every "nook and cranny" of your life.

Happy love month!


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