Stop Lamenting the Weather


Love is not about waiting for the storm to pass OR about lamenting about the weather.

The best love happens when you learn to dance in the rain.

The quality of our relationships is one of the most important factors contributing to our health and happiness.  A 70-year Harvard study says so.

If we pause and think, we know it to be true in our hearts too.

When our relationships are working, almost everything else does too.

When they aren’t, most of us struggle.

And then we usually struggle about the struggle too.

Mindfulness and mindset work helped me shift the way I approached ALL my relationships- my marriage, my parenting, my relationship with my parents.

They help me enjoy all my in-law relationships of all generations, my colleagues, and my friends too.

Through coaching and mindfulness, I have learned to “dance in the rain, float, and be buoyant.  

I put on a colorful yellow or pink raincoat, grab an umbrella and head out to dance.

Sometimes I stay warm and cozy and drink tea inside while enjoying the sound of the rain.

I don’t lament the weather anymore.

Instead, I show up with compassion, positivity, intention,

and love for me and those I love  — even with storms all around.

I used to tell my story as “what I had learned in the past tense” - what I learned from hard times.

Now I tell all my relationship stories and learnings in the present tense.

It’s clear 53 years into this life and 30 years into my marriage -  there is pretty much always a storm brewing, passing through, or drying out. 

“Weather” is part of life.

Choosing to “dance in the rain,” “float” and/or be buoyant in mild and extreme weather - allows me to find spaciousness, and calm.

To pause and breathe.  

From here, I can move forward with intention- deliberately. 

I take ownership of and responsibility for how I show up for all of it. 

I choose to show up in ways that feel good to me. 

Feeling anxious, resentful, bitter, frustrated, and resistant never feels good.

Mindfulness and coaching tools allow you to opt-out of these feelings with ease. I don’t have to love the storms but I can choosing to accept them and move forward with lightness (i.e. dancing in a bright yellow raincoat).

They make love and the storms so much more full of love.

When I focus on this- what I can control—there is more love all around.

Which is better for me and everyone else. Especially in atmospheric rivers.

This year I am celebrating 30 years of a neurodiverse marriage.

I am becoming a grandma, and both my parents just turned 80. 

All wonderful things which have been made tremendously better because I choose to dance in the rain, float, and be buoyant.

I would love to help you do this too. 

It seems like your experience isn’t a choice - but it turns out it is.

This work is the absolute best Valentine's gift you can give to yourself and those you love.

Do it at a retreat, 1:1, or as part of a small group coaching program.

Mindful Love Group Coaching will be back in March. 

Gift it to yourself (and your loved ones) for Valentines’ Day.

It’s a gift that keeps on giving and giving.


Starting with Easy Can Be Strategic


What's love got to do with it? EVERYTHING