You Don’t Have to Suffer to Be of Value or Bring Value
We have a culture that glorifies collective suffering.
We see struggling, suffering, hard as the way to achieve and accomplish.
We value them and equate them with bringing value and being of value.
We are taught to equate “hard” with important and valuable - especially in medicine and American culture.
How hard or long we work and the difficulties and inequities we face do not determine the value we bring.
A path without struggle, suffering, and sacrifice can bring equal and potentially more benefit to the world.
A healthier and more sustainable path could be much more impactful. Especially over time.
What if we, as a society, valued and celebrated ease, love, creativity, and caring rather than hard?
What if we celebrated humanism?
What if being happy, healthy, relaxed, and connected to loved ones and your community were glorified?
Unhealthy, unhappy, stressed, and disconnected are “expensive” problems. Emotionally, energetically and financially.