A Stop Doing List

This concept came up at a conference I was at last weekend.

A stop doing list is a form of decluttering and minimalism. Something I LOVE.

It’s also an act of kindness for yourself and others.

I don’t usually like to focus on what not to do.

I like to focus instead on how I want to show up. My intention.

But, noticing and calling out habitual thoughts patterns you would like to have less of is extremely useful.

Because what you practice grows.

If you stop practicing them, they won’t grow in fact they are likely to fade away.

My personal “stop doing” list:

Being mean to myself.

Doubting myself.

Second-guessing my decisions.

Pushing myself to always do more.

Thinking more is better.

Making things complicated.

Coming from scarcity.

Trying to control things out of my control.

Worrying unnecessarily.

Struggling unnecessarily.

I already do a lot less of all of these than I used to AND If I did even less of all these,

I would waste a lot less time.

I would have more time for the things that I want to start doing and keep doing.

Those lists are much more fun to create.

What’s on your stop doing list?

What do you want to be practicing so it grows?


Recreating Busy


I learned I can actually slow down