I learned I can actually slow down

An anonymous reflection midway along a coaching journey

“I learned there is a lot more to me and what I want in life than my work.”


“Concretely writing out my priorities and loves and definitions of success has been pretty eye-opening for me. I should have known what they were all along. And in some ways, I did know.

But when I was asked to actively say them out loud,

and write them down,

it made me more committed to making choices in life that align with those priorities/loves/goals for success.“


“I learned that I actually can slow down. That I can meditate. That I can enjoy this life I want to enjoy.”


What might you discover about yourself if you invested time and energy into looking?

Doing that looking, with a guide, by your side makes the process much more streamlined and easeful..


A Stop Doing List


Lessons from the Heart