Aging Well

The term "anti-aging" is beyond popular.

And I don’t love it.

It implies aging is something we don’t want to do.

That “older” is not as beautiful or as good as “younger.”


I personally want to keep aging.

Aging is evolving, learning, and growing.

I prefer the current version of myself much better than any previous version. And it is older. It has aged.


Allowing aging and my cells to be 52 years old,

as they are,

is accepting reality and life.

It is a way of celebrating the journey the experience and the wisdom acquired along the way.


I want to age “well.”

I don't want to "anti-age." I want to age with authenticity, grace, style, and love.

I want to “relax in” to aging - a mindset we offer in yoga.

I want to let go of judgment and frustration and resistance to “aging” or “looking old.”

I want to own my wisdom, experience, skill, and my 52-year-old natural beauty- -grey hair, stretch marks, sunspots, and all.

It is what and who I am.

I hope you will join me in celebrating what and who you are.


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Recreating Busy