What Would Great Do?

A new twist on my favorite question- What would love do?

Inspired by a speaker, Cy Wakeman- at the Brave Enough conference for Women Physicians last weekend.

Her question was slightly different but the concept is the same.

My brain immediately switched it to-

What would great do?

Such a hugely empowering helpful and hopeful and “ good” question.

It in and of itself is great.

For those of you who have worked with me- it should be near the top of your list of questions for tough times.

What might happen if you asked yourself this in the pause?

When you felt stuck or were struggling or frustrated?

When you were about to loose your temper and yell at your kids?

When you were having a down day or an off day?

“Great” can look like many things.

And it looks different on different days.

It’s essentially showing up in a way that would make your future self proud.

It helps you show up doing the best you can in the moment with the information, skills you have.

It immediately takes you out of the muck and mire.

It transcends.

The beauty of the question is that it is light, hopeful, and aspirational.

Try it out and see how it feels to you. And keep it if you like it and tweak it if needed.


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Aging Well