What Mindful People Do Differently

Approach things with curiosity and savor them.

Forgive their mistakes big and small.

Practice compassion and nurture connections.

Show gratitude for good moments and grace for bad.

Make peace with imperfection inside and out.

Embrace vulnerability by trusting themselves and others.

Accept and appreciate that things come and go.

- -list from Elisha Goldstein, The Now Effect

Living like this is learned.

It is not our default programming.

And it is not how most of us were raised.

Living like this is what coaching, mindfulness, and yoga taught me to do.

It’s magical.

For you, those you love, and those you share the world with.

I aspire to share the possibility and the how of it with as many people as I can.

Imagine a world where people showed up like this for themselves and others.


It's All Temporary


What Would Great Do?