Clarity Amidst the Fog

Last week, I had a week of decision-making - along with many things happenings out of my control - and then added challenges of loved ones not behaving the way “I thought they should.”

I headed to the beach for a walk.

In the fog.

Wet drippy fog.

Hard to see through fog.

How you feel sometimes when things feel confusing or overwhelming.

And yet when you choose to pause and be present in the fog,

when you take time to notice and be mindful-

It’s beautiful.

It’s light.

It’s magical.

Many things are actually more crisp and clear.

Especially when you focus on what’s up close.

The fog clears out all the distractions.

You can breathe deeply.

When you accept and allow what is, exactly as it is

it’s easier to see the path forward you want to take.

Pea soup fog isn’t a problem.

It’s an asset.

It’s your thoughts and mindset about what’s happening around you that makes it a problem.

Three days in a row of foggy wet walks -




They made everything much more clear.


Remake Yourself


Practice Presence