Remake Yourself

“As human beings our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world ... as in being able to remake ourselves.”- Gandhi

Sounds like he is recommending coaching....

Remaking yourself is not fixing others but finding solutions within.

Taking control of what’s in your control.

It isn’t about giving up.

Or indifference.

It is about making things better.

For you.

Which ultimately makes things better for those around you- near and far.

That is the “greatness.”

And where the relief comes.

And the connection, contentment, peace and calm.

So many of us feel stuck, sad, anxious, frustrated, overwhelmed, and out of control.

When we stop waiting for the world and others to change, and choose to take back our control, we step into the amazing.

The “wild and precious” part.

The “feeling alive” part.

Remaking yourself is what I help people do.

I can help you start being present.

Declutter your mind of drama, stress, perfectionism and old stories.

And choose with intention how you want to experience your “one wild and precious life.”

Why not stop struggling and suffering, and upgrade/remake yourself into the 2.0 Version?

When you change how you show up everything else—

career, marriage, parenting, health—they all change too.

What’s keeping you from stepping into your greatness?


Less Is More


Clarity Amidst the Fog